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OBJ 4 – Raising Awareness

Nature-based solutions for protecting the coastal zone in Mauritius

Objective 4


Empower community members through Citizen Science to participate in ecosystem-based solutions. 


To Include stakeholders and community members through practical actions that help build understanding, a relationship with nature and supports the conservation and management of resources.


Information from population statistics for the target regions, stakeholder analysis, the initial surveys, target group engagement and results from questionnaires, where knowledge gaps were identified will be used to support and build an outreach strategy and approach which will include sensitisation tools and sessions.


Booklet of citizen science tools and best practices on how to involve coastal communities in monitoring and restoration of seagrass habitats.
Funded by the European Union

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This website was created and maintained with the financial support of the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of Reef Conservation and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union’